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Personal Fetish Sites

Personal Fetish Sites
Molly's Daily Kiss Broken Link Button
Molly Moore is the writer of the successful sex blog, mollysdailykiss. Her blog is marriage of words and images and most of her writing is based on her own experiences and contains strong autobiographical content. Molly is the founder of Sinful Sunday; a project to encourage bloggers to have fun with their cameras creating erotic images and also The Pussy Pride Project; a celebration of all that is wonderful about pussies.
Personal Fetish Sites
Salome Sin's Blog Broken Link Button
The blog of Salome Sin!! I'm Salome Sin, I am 29, I'm from and live in Manchester, U.K. I'm a Pro Dominatrix/Burlesque promoter / adult / fetish model / creative grrrl. I am curvy and very tattooed. I pretty much live for all things ALT, I love Rock, Metal, Alt porn, Zombies, vampires, all things horror, anything supernatural in fact. I'm pretty spiritual, love to read and am online way to much! I update by blog a few times a week with (naughty) photos/what I'm up to, rants on life.